All therapies available in-house, with a combination of Ayurveda, Tibetan medicine and Clinical Hypnosis.
- Infertility & Women’s Health Therapy
- Obesity Therapy
- Child Care Therapy
- Stress Relaxation Therapy / Rejuvenation Therapy
- Hair Care Therapy
- Skin & Beauty Care Therapy
- Spine Care Therapy
- Eye Care Therapy
Procedures about these therapies are mentioned below:
- Infertility & Women’s Health Therapy

- Uttarbasti
- Bandharan
- Doosh
- General Hygiene
- Additional Treatment
- Oral Medicine
2. Obesity Therapy

- Virechan
- Basti
- Bandharan
- Udvarttan
- Pattbandhan
- Lapekarma
- Oral Medicine
3. Child Care Therapy

- Neonate Care
- Abhyang
- General Hygiene
- Diet
- Oral Medicine
- Suvarnapasan
4. Stress Relaxation Therapy / Rejuvenation Therapy

- Abhyang
- Swedan
- Shirodhara
- Shirobasti
- Shro Pichu
- Oral Medicine
- Shasthi Shali Pind Swed
- Oil Drauni
- Ghrit Bandhan
- Oral Medicine
5. Hair Care Therapy

- Abhyang
- Shirodhara
- Thalpodichil
- Hair Care
- Nasyam
- Head & Neck Abhyang
- Oral Medicine
6. Skin & Beauty Care Therapy

- Face Abhyang
- Face Lapum
- Face Pattbandhan
- Panchamrit treatment
- Whole Body Care
- Anti Wrinkle Care
- Oral Medicine
- Dhara
7. Spine Care Therapy

- Back Abhyanga Swedam
- Spine Basti
- Patra Potala
- Sneha Vasti
- Kati Basti
- Greeva Vasti
- Kashaya Vasti
- Nadiswed
- Janu Basti
8. Eye Care Therapy

- Tarpan Treatment
- Shodhan Treatment
- Bidalak
- General Eye Care Treatment
- Child-Eye-Care Treatment
- Oral Medicine
Above procedures are follow in these therapies. To know more you can always contact us at Or if you want an appointment with Dr Aarti Parimal you can visit Appointment Page, we are also accepting online video calling appointment and for more you can visit contact us.